
Tech Co-Founder oder CTOs finden

Für einen Gründer, den ich begleite, stellt sich das Problem, dass er zu wenig Zeit für die Arbeit mit dem technischen Team hat und darum einen CTO sucht. Wir haben dann einen Post auf LinkedIn erstellt – was normalerweise nicht schlecht funktioniert, hat in diesem Fall einen mageren Rücklauf produziert.

In der Folge habe ich via Twitter und LinkedIn die Community gefragt: Wo und wie finde ich Co-founders und CTOs? Es kamen ein paar Antworten zusammen, die ich hier zusammengestellt habe. Herzlichen Dank an alle, die dazu beigetragen haben!

Jemand (die Person aus dem Investorenkontext will anonym bleiben) meldete per e-Mail folgende Plattformen (die ich nicht geprüft habe):

Via Twitter:

IMHO startup events, startup hubs like ImpactHub in Zurich and hackathons work best. The rest is waste of time.


Via LinkedIn kommentierten einige Personen – hier die Originalantworten, damit Ihr auch den vollen Kontext habt:

Tech people are in high demand and have options – so the most efficient way to find a tech lead is to offer a salary. If a salary is not possible, then the process should be the same as for any other co-founder: Look for shared values, mission, vision, rather than for specific skills.

For web / mobile software: Look for a product person, rather than an engineer. Use no- / low-code solutions to prototype / validate, then hire for specific skills later. Hiring an engineer often only makes sense once some degree of problem-solution-fit has been achieved.

Deep- / med- / bio- / .. tech is trickier: Maybe look for industry expertise rather than tech skills, and work with academia/students to fill skill gaps?

Another option is to offer paid projects on a freelance basis, and then „promote“ to co-founder later (esp. if that person is in another country)

(Thomas Ackermann)


aside the usual platforms, one way that we started to make good experiences with, are „Venture Studios“, where the Venture Studio becomes the Co-Founder, contributing tech, industry and funding to bring startup to the pre-seed level. Hope this helps.

(Daniel Böhi)


that’s a tough one – There are some success stories like Viac that work with large partners (e.g. AdNovum) to take care of their tech stack. They are mainly driven by product innovation and less by technical development – in that case this can work.

I personally believe that if you consider yourself a tech startup, you need to build this core competence in-house and can’t outsource it – because you can’t afford to be too dependent on one partner.

The best way to find a technical co-founder is most likely through your own network. Think: Who do I know from school or from university that I enjoyed working with who has a technical background? Do I know a friend whom I trust who knows someone (that was the case for us when finding our CTO in Lisbon)?

You can also go through platforms but I think you need a common history to be able to evaluate whether you make a good team and can actually start a company together – therefore personal networks are probably the best option for now.

(Silvan Krähenbühl)


Hackatons or StackOverflow Jobs or Reddit or 📄 with your idea and phone number at universities 👍

(Edgar Kussberg)

Zu meiner Person: Als Start-up Coach bin ich seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten mit den Bedürfnissen von Unternehmensgründerinnen und -gründern vertraut. In der Blogserie «Start-up-Hacks», gebe ich mein Wissen über die faszinierende Start-up-Welt in leicht verdaulichen Häppchen weiter. 

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