
Free Public Webinar: Fundraising for Startups

Funding your startup doesn’t need to be hard. 

I do a lot of teaching about fundraising for startups in startup programs like Innosuisse Training programs, Swiss Innovation Challenge, Founder Institute, and others.

The course provides unbiased ideas and guidelines on how to approach fundraising, which routes to choose and how to do this in an efficient way. It covers Venture Capital, Business Angels, Foundations, Grants and Competitions, Bootstrapping, FFF, Venture Client, Strategic Investors, and several other instruments.

Since I see that many people struggle with fundraising and not everybody has access to these programs, I provide a one-hour workshop for everyone who’s interested. This workshop is free. It consists of a 45 minute introduction to fundraising for startups and 15 minutes Q&A.

The dates will be published on LinkedIn on the page of janfuelscher.ch and in my personal feed.

Some feedbacks from the first webinar: 

  • "Many thanks for your great talk today! It made some things clear in my head."
  • "War sehr spannend, vielen Dank."
  • "Besten Dank für Deine wertvolle Fundraising Präsentation, habe sie sehr hilfreich gefunden."
  • "Herzlichen Dank Jan für dieses spannende Webinar, hat mir einen sehr guten Überblick über unsere nächsten Schritte gegeben." 
  • "Thank you very much for the presentation. It was very good."
  • "Besten Dank für Deine wertvolle Fundraising Präsentation, habe sie sehr hilfreich gefunden."
  • "Super gute Presi. Du bist der beste Coach in diesem Feld. Mit grossem Abstand!"